PreK Instructor
M.A., Tennessee Tech University

Spencer Elementary Annex Building
Phone: (931) 946-7378
Preschool Supervisor:
Dr. Denise Whittenberg
(931) 946-2242
The Van Buren County School System is grateful to be able to provide early childhood education for the children of Van Buren County through the Early Bird Preschool.
Students are given high quality instruction and are involved in learning activities that will prepare them for their elementary, middle, and high school years and beyond.
Early Bird Preschool will utilize The Creative Curriculum for Preschool for the 2023-2024 school year.

Mrs. Kristy Dyer

Mrs. Shelene Anderson
PreK Instructor
B.S., Tennessee Tech University

Mrs. Jacqueline Miller
PreK Instructor
Ed.S., Tennessee Tech University
The Early Bird Preschool is an inclusive Program that serves 4 year old children. Three year old children that have special needs will receive services as provided by their IEP. All children must be residents of Van Buren County and be four years old by the 15th of August. After all eligible 4 year olds have been served we are allowed to accept 3 year olds who have reached their third birthday on or before August 15th of the current school year. We cannot accept children that are 5 years of age unless they have an IEP.
1. Child's State Birth Certificate (NO MOTHER'S COPY)
2. Child's Social Security Card
3. Preschool Immunization Certificate
4. Proof of Physical (After 1/2023)
5. Proof of Income
Updated as of July 2023
1 Small Blanket or Beach Towel
1 Small Pillow (Optional)
Complete Change of Clothing (This needs to be changed with the seasons)
8 Small Glue Sticks (Elmer’s Only)
2 Packages of Baby Wipes
1 Package of 3 oz. Plastic Cups
3 Rolls of Paper Towels
3 Containers of Clorox Wipes
1 Box of Tissues
1 Bottle Liquid Hand Soap
1 Package Boogie Wipes
1 Package of Paper Plates
Updated as of July 2024
Breakfast and afternoon snack will be served at the preschool. Breakfast will be served from 7:45 to 8:15 A.M. Lunch will be eaten at Van Buren County High School. Free or reduced lunch forms are available and should be completed as soon as possible. Free or reduced meals do not include snack.
Parents may be asked to provide a snack for their child's class on occasion. Parents will be informed when a snack is needed. Please do not make cake or cookies, or send candy to school unless there is a special occasion such as a birthday. This should be discussed in advance with your child's teacher.
If school opens 2 hours late for any reason, breakfast will not be served.
Free Breakfast & Lunch for all school children. CEP (Community Eligibility Provision Program)
Snacks are $10.00 per month and must be paid in advance.
Pricing subject to change per State Mandates.